Primary – Cambridge Assessment International education (CAIE)

Cambridge programs are carefully designed to engage our learners and give them solid foundations to achieve high level of academic and personal attainment. The programs are progressive, giving our learners a clearly defined path to success seamlessly from primary to secondary and pre-university years, and each stage builds on the learners’ development from the previous one.

Cambridge offer flexibility. Cambridge outlines curriculam to the needs and abilities of our learners. Our programs and qualifications are compatible with other curricula that suit our school’s values.

We get comprehensive support in four areas, designed carefully around the needs of Cambridge Learners and teachers:
Curriculum: Develops learners’ knowledge, understanding and skills. Our curriculum sets clear goals for learners and teachers.
Classroom:Support and guidance helps teachers and learners perform to their maximum ability. We offer world-class learner resources.
Qualifications: Provide learners with a global passport to success. We offer reliable, rigorous and flexible assessment, leading to internationally recognized qualifications.
Community: Brings Cambridge schools, teachers and learners closer together through the sharing of best practice and ideas.


Our Curriculum:

  • Sets clear learning objectives in English, Mathematics and Science for each year of primary education
  • Focuses on developing knowledge and skills in core subjects which form an excellent foundation for future study
  • Focuses on learners’ development in each year
  • Provides a natural progression throughout the years of primary education
  • Compatible with other curricula, internationally relevant and sensitive to different needs and cultures
  • Suitable for learners whose first language is not English, with an optional English as a second language curriculum
  • Gives you optional routes to use sections that suit your learners’ needs best
  • Provides schools with international benchmark

Integrated Curriculum: Subjects Offered from Grade 1 to 7 would be

  1. English
  2. Hindi
  3. Telugu
  4. English Communication
  5. Mathematics
  6. Science
  7. Social / EVS
  8. Moral Science
  9. GK